I am not the admin or the owner of the project, I don’t know the admin!

Started: Friday, 12 May 2023
Payouts: Instant (minimum withdrawal amounts are 0.0002 btc, 0.005 eth, 0.02 ltc, 5 doge, 1 xrp, 0.005 bnb, 5 trx, 1 usdt_bep20, 3 usdt_trc20, 5 usdt_erc20, Withdrawal fees: 0.0001 btc, 0.002 eth, 0 ltc, 0 doge, 0 xrp, 0 bnb, 0.5 trx, 0.2 usdt_bep20, 1 usdt_trc20, 4 usdt_erc20)
Ref-offer 2% - 1% - 0.5% and up to 10% - 3% - 2% (depends on plan)
Technical details (information from ISP and H-Metrics (HyipLogs) resources):
Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple (XRP), Tron (TRX), USDT ERC-20, USDT TRC-20, Binance Coin (BNB), USDT BEP-20
Investment plans:
Registered company profile:
Company Address:
This topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!

Started: Friday, 12 May 2023
Payouts: Instant (minimum withdrawal amounts are 0.0002 btc, 0.005 eth, 0.02 ltc, 5 doge, 1 xrp, 0.005 bnb, 5 trx, 1 usdt_bep20, 3 usdt_trc20, 5 usdt_erc20, Withdrawal fees: 0.0001 btc, 0.002 eth, 0 ltc, 0 doge, 0 xrp, 0 bnb, 0.5 trx, 0.2 usdt_bep20, 1 usdt_trc20, 4 usdt_erc20)
Ref-offer 2% - 1% - 0.5% and up to 10% - 3% - 2% (depends on plan)
Technical details (information from ISP and H-Metrics (HyipLogs) resources):
- Domain: NameSilo, LLC, 2023-04-16 - 2024-04-16 (registered for 1 year)
- SSL: EV SSL valid from 11 May, 2023 to 10 May, 2024 - DigiCert Inc
- Hosting: Ddos - Guard Ecuador
- IP-address: (live sites on IP: 1)
- Script: not defined
- Similar text HYIPs: 82
- Similar design HYIPs: 46
BIT BRAIN LIMITED is a UK-based international financial company engaged in investment activities, which are related to trading on financial markets, cryptocurrency exchanges, own mining farms, stacking cryptocurrencies and the development of their own blockchain carried out by qualified professionals. Our goal is to provide our investors with a reliable source of high income, while minimizing any possible risks and offering a high-quality service, allowing to automate and simplify the relations between the investors and the trustees. BIT BRAIN platform is a trusted stable investment in portfolio management. The team of skilled and successful financial professionals follows well-thought-out strategies in order to provide our clients with a stable income at minimal risks.
Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple (XRP), Tron (TRX), USDT ERC-20, USDT TRC-20, Binance Coin (BNB), USDT BEP-20
Investment plans:
- $10 - $50000: 104% during 1 day (every second accruals, deposit included)
- $10 - $50000: 106% after 1 day
- $50 - $50000: 132% after 4 days
- $200 - $50000: 800% after 28 days
Registered company profile:
Company Address:

This topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!