Introduce Ad Click Xpress -

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Aug 3, 2011
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Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!

Kế hoạch đầu tư: Upto 10% mỗi ngày, hiện tại là 6% mỗi ngày, tổng lợi nhuận: 150% trong 30 ngày.

Hiện tại có 2 gói đầu tư: Media Packages Ad Packages

Media Packages:
Lợi nhuận: 6% mỗi ngày từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6 ; Thứ 7 CN là 3% mỗi ngày, tối đa là 150% trong 30 ngày.
Đầu tư tối thiểu: 5$, thanh toán tối thiểu: 5$
Thời gian thanh toán: 12-24 tiếng
-Bạn mua 1 package 5$, bạn kiếm 0.3$ mỗi ngày từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6 ; thứ 7 và chủ nhật là 0.15$, tổng lợi nhuận: 7.5$ trong 30 ngày.
-Bạn mua 100 package 500$, bạn kiếm 30$ mỗi ngày từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6 ; thứ 7 và chủ nhật là 15$, tổng lợi nhuận: 750$ trong 30 ngày.
Đầu tư và thanh toán qua PerfectMoney, OkPay, SolidTrustPay, PayToo.

Ad Packages:
Lợi nhuận: 6% mỗi ngày từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6 ; Thứ 7 CN là 3% mỗi ngày, tối đa là 150% trong 30 ngày.
Đầu tư tối thiểu: 10$, thanh toán tối thiểu: 10$
Thời gian thanh toán: 12-24 tiếng
-Bạn mua 1 package 10$, bạn kiếm 0.6$ mỗi ngày từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6, thứ 7 và chủ nhật là 0.3$, tổng lợi nhuận: 15$ trong 30 ngày.
-Bạn mua 100 package 1000$, bạn kiếm 60$ mỗi ngày từ thứ 2 đến thứ 6, thứ 7 và chủ nhật là 30$, tổng lợi nhuận: 1500$ trong 30 ngày.
Đầu tư và thanh toán qua PerfectMoney, OkPay, SolidTrustPay, PayToo.

Lưu ý: Bạn có thể đầu tư bằng OkPay, SolidTrustPay, PayToo và rút tiền bằng PerfectMoney hoặc một cổng bất kỳ.

Chọn Upline khi đăng ký: việc chọn upline để đăng ký là hết sức quan trọng, vì ngoài lãi suất hàng ngày từ các ads bạn mua, bạn còn có thể kiếm thêm được 100% lợi nhuận(tức là 200% số tiền bạn đầu tư) từ các panel, việc hoàn thành panel để kiếm được tiền mất khá nhiều thời gian, hãy chắc chắn rằng upline của bạn có uy tín và hoạt động lâu dài để có thể hỗ trợ, rcb... cho bạn. việc upline ngưng hoạt động giữa chừng sẽ gây ảnh hưởng rất nhiều về việc hoàn thành panel, khi đó bạn phải chọn một upline khác nếu muốn nhận rcb, đồng nghĩa với việc bỏ tài khoản cũ cùng số panels bạn có thể kiếm được, điều đó là rất đáng tiếc.

RCB: 100% tức là 10% số tiền đầu tư của bạn.
Để lại Username + PM account để nhận RCB.
Hoặc có thể đặt lệnh RCB tại đây:

Nếu có thắc mắc gì các bạn có thể liên hệ: Yh/skype: hyipdollar để được hỗ trợ nhanh.

Đăng Ký

Vì hai hệ thống hoạt động giống nhau nhưng Media System có ưu điểm là min đầu tư và rút thấp hơn bên Ad System nên mình sẽ hướng dẫn bên Media, bên System tương tự :)

* Chuyển đổi hệ thống
Đối với những bạn mới đăng ký thì hệ thống sẽ mặc định bạn ở Ad System, Các bạn ấn nút "SWITCH" để chuyển sang Media System, tiếp tục ấn "OK" để xác nhận:


* Mua Packages
Các bạn tìm đến mục "Media Packs" sau đó click vào ô "BUY MEDIA PACKS" để thực hiện việc mua Packs

Click chọn để fund tiền vào hệ thống:


Sau khi fund tiền thì bạn click vào ô "BUY MEDIA PACKS" để thực hiện việc mua Packs

* Click quảng cáo để kiếm lợi nhuận hằng ngày

Click vào ô:

Sẽ có nhiều tuỳ chọn để bạn xem quảng cáo, riêng mình thì chọn View Banners, vì khá ổn định :) ô đỏ bên dưới là chi tiết về số quảng cáo bạn cần xem mỗi ngày tương ứng với số packages bạn mua.
Vd: bạn mua 25 packages thì bạn cần xem 12 quảng cáo mỗi ngày tương ứng với 6 banners


Sau khi click vào xem xong mỗi banner khoảng 5s thì bạn click Done để hoàn tất xem banner đó

* Nhận tiền sau khi xem xong quảng cáo

Sau khi hoàn tất xem quảng cáo thì bạn click vào "Get Paid Now" gần chữ "SWITCH" để chuyển về trang nhận lãi hằng ngày, sau đó click vào chữ "Get Paid Now" để nhận lãi và rút tiền khi đủ min là 5$

Proof dep và nhận:

Last edited:


Apr 28, 2015
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The amount of 37.44 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U7511155. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 4397199-26850.. Date: 05:15 15.07.15. Batch: 94733452.
We wish to offer a sincere Welcome to our New Members,
and a warm Welcome Back to the former Members who
are returning to ACX. We're glad you have made this wise
decision, because the ACX System just keeps getting better
and better.

We're Getting Better

A New Sustainability Feature is coming to the ACX System
soon. It's so great that we can't announce it before we're
ready for it. We need to wait until we cycle through the
Variable DSC Rate of 10% per day, and that could still
take months at the rate we are going today - great job

However, based on the system projections, there is a good
possibility that we may never need another restart again.
We'll see, but this new "breakthrough" could be even bigger
than the Variable DSC Rate Program we implemented earlier.
Stay tuned for more details coming soon.

The ACX Power 300 Pay System is clearly superior to all
other pay plans, but by adding the Variable DSC Rates
Program and the new Sustainability Feature coming soon,
it is very likely that ACX will become the model all
organizations begin to copy, including financial systems

The future possibilities could be limitless, but for now we'll be
satisfied earning 6% a day and 150% a month.
Just keep
on doing what you're doing everyday! It's great to be an
ACX Member!
thanh toán ổn định:

The amount of 11.81 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U1896276. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 2327705-112519.. Date: 03:33 17.07.15. Batch: 94916249.
The amount of 19.2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U7511155. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 4397199-29043.. Date: 02:39 18.07.15. Batch: 94999443.
Just another quick update before the end of the day. This
amazing program is changing lives for the better, and we're
thrilled that you have join the ACX Team.

What are your expectation from ACX?

If you are looking for a get-rich quick scheme to make a
bunch of money before it crashes, you are in the wrong place.
Although the ACX System does pay fast, Members cannot
expect huge instant payouts. That's because the Ad Pack
and Ad Panel system pays a DAILY Sales Commission of
2% to 10% on the total amount of money you have spent on
Ad Packs.

When you buy a $10 Ad Pack, you earn back an additional
over a period of time. This is a calculated payment that
requires you to provide value to ACX before we'll pay you.
You must view other Members' websites and advertisements
first. Then in exchange for this viewing, you earn the DAILY
Sales Commission.

It's true that you earn 150% over time on every dollar spent
on Ad Packs. And it's true that you earn it at amazing daily
rates. And if you want ACX to make a major impact on your
life, you need to decide how much money you want to earn
each day or month by deciding how much you can spend.

If you want to spend $100 and earn back $150, then you
should buy 10 Ad Packs.

If you want to spend $1,000 and earn back $1,500 in one
month, buy 100 Ad Packs

If you are serious about making big money, then spend
$5000 or $10,000 and earn 150% on those amounts. But
remember, you will be required to view other Members'
websites and advertisements in order to get paid each day.
The amount of 18.24 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U7511155. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 4397199-29737.. Date: 06:01 19.07.15. Batch: 95072890.
The amount of 37.44 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U7511155. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 4397199-30387.. Date: 06:00 20.07.15. Batch: 95148932.

The amount of 11.82 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U1896276. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 2327705-115204.. Date: 06:04 20.07.15. Batch: 95149356.
Welcome to all the New Members who are joining ACX
each day. You are going to love what the ACX Power
300 Pay System can do for you. Earn 300% on every
dollar you spend on online advertising! The BEST Part
is... you get to choose how much to earn!

July has been Absolutely Great!

Well done everyone! Together we made June a record
month, and now July has already surpassed it. Thousands
of ACX Members have been earning 150% in just 30 days.
And ALL requested withdrawals are being paid within
12-24 hours, every single day for weeks now - there is
really no stopping us now. Pretty exciting, don't you agree?

XpressShift Still Delayed, but Might Never Come?

ACX happens to be the best opportunity ever to make
money, but keep in mind that an XpressShift will probably
have to happen at some point in the future. We all value
transparency and don't want anyone to be caught off guard.
We're in this together, as a great team - and it's important
that we keep everyone informed.

ACX is the Best Online Income Program because it can pay
out forever... thanks to the "Restart" feature. If you are new
to ACX, then you might now know much about the
XpressShift (restart). It's what allows the ACX System to
keep paying Daily Commissions year after year.

BUT... Good News. It looks like we won't need to implement
Restarts in the future due to a new concept that we'll be
introducing sometime over the next few months.. or maybe
next year.
We'll just have to wait until the need arises.

In any case, we will ALWAYS have the Restart Feature
to fall back on in the case of an emergency. It's a fail-safe
mechanism that will keep ACX System paying indefinitely.
Rest assured that ACX will be here for the long haul.

Panels Pay 150% Too

Don't forget that the Panel Systems (both Ad and Media)
are doing really well. Currently you only have to spend about
$15 to get any spot in your Ad Panel to fill, usually within a
matter of hours but sometimes in just a few minutes - currently
the Media Panels need you to spend about $6 for the same

Spending a little on Accelerator Upgrades helps you earn the
$30 Media Panel Rebate
and the $60 Ad Panel Rebate much
. Read about it here.

We want all Members and Prospects to realize that ACX is
NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. You only make $15 back on
every $10 you spend on Advertising over a specific period of
time. It's not a pyramid scheme - it's a Pay System that has
the mathematical ability to literally last forever due to the
indefinite sustainability created by the Panel System and the
Restart fail-safe mechanism.

Enjoy this amazing opportunity to change your future. It's a
pleasure having you as part of the ACX Team.

Always working for your success!

ACX Management Team

The amount of 11.81 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U1896276. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 2327705-117903.. Date: 06:20 22.07.15. Batch: 95353176.

The amount of 200 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U1896276->U5301307. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Ad Click Xpress Purchase - Member 2327705.. Date: 18:25 22.07.15. Batch: 95420823.
thanh toan ổn định:

The amount of 11.52 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5301307->U1896276. Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress Withdraw 2327705-119140.. Date: 03:51 23.07.15. Batch: 95452633.
Greetings John!

Welcome to all the new people who have signed up at ACX.
It's so exciting to see New Members joining every day. You
are going to love what the ACX Pay System can do for you
and your family. It's amazing!!!

The News Today is... things are Going GREAT!!!

We started July off with a bang, and Members are continuing
to respond by taking ACX to new heights. That's awesome
because Members are really starting to understand the
magnitude of just exactly what the ACX Pay System can do
for them. It's great to see this!

No Change in Variable Rate Anytime Soon

The ACX System has paid 6% a day (36% a week) for almost
two months, and it will continue at this rate for as long as the
Sales Revenue increases each week over the last.
indication is that an adjustment is still a long way off. Great
Work Everyone!!!

This Variable DSC Rates Program is the real deal, and it is
helping people around the world earn really big money
quickly. This is the program that helps the little guy, as well
as the big hitter. We are proud to be part of the solution!

Once the balance between Sale Revenue (New Ad Packs
purchases) and Withdrawals gets too one-sided, ACX System
Managers will adjust the Variable Rate to 7% to increase More
Sales Revenue. Then Members will ride that wave for many
more weeks or months, earning a whopping 42% each week!

What a great program we have!

The Best Members in the World deserve the Best Income
Program in History. We are thrilled to have you on board
the Ad Click Xpress Train that is enroute to personal prosperity
and financial independence. Be sure to tell everyone you care
about that THEY can do it with ACX too!

Always working for your success!

ACX Management Team
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