Name: Illuminate

Start: Oct 1st, 2022
Features: DDoS protection | SSL encryption | Licensed GC script
About Program:
Investment Plans: 0.4% - 3% daily for 333 days (principal return)
Principal Return: At the end
Charging: Calendar days
Minimal Spend: $50
Maximal Spend: No Limit
Referral: 5%, 2%, 1%**
Withdrawal: Manual
Payment systems: Perfect Money | Tether TRC20 | Ripple
25.10.22 13:23 Receive Received Payment 10.00 USD from account U12456834 to account U38338228. Batch: 488494700.
Visit Illuminate and Sign Up
P.S. Listing is bought. I am not the owner or administrator. Information provided here for viewing and discussion only.

Start: Oct 1st, 2022
Features: DDoS protection | SSL encryption | Licensed GC script
About Program:
ILLUMINATE is a fund that was created many decades ago for the benefit of society and the prosperity of mankind. Time inevitably dictates its own rules and trends in the field of investment, and we are always at the forefront.
We couldn't stand aside after it became clear to us that rare earth metals couldn't be replaced by artificial raw materials, and progress could stop without them, and we made several progressive and relevant decisions that allowed us to invest in quarries and processing. Moreover, we have become one of the top suppliers in the rare earth metals, where Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth is the key player and Bitmain, Samsung and Fujitsu are direct buyers.
The capacity of our equipment involves the processing of a fixed volume of soil, and accordingly, we know the expected result. This gives us the opportunity to use crowdfunding to attract investments.
Investment Plans: 0.4% - 3% daily for 333 days (principal return)
Principal Return: At the end
Charging: Calendar days
Minimal Spend: $50
Maximal Spend: No Limit
Referral: 5%, 2%, 1%**
Withdrawal: Manual
Payment systems: Perfect Money | Tether TRC20 | Ripple

25.10.22 13:23 Receive Received Payment 10.00 USD from account U12456834 to account U38338228. Batch: 488494700.
Visit Illuminate and Sign Up
P.S. Listing is bought. I am not the owner or administrator. Information provided here for viewing and discussion only.